How to Identify Cushing's Syndrome
Watch for swelling of the face, most especially around the eyes. Cushing's Syndrome often produces what is commonly known as a "moon face" and puffy eyes.
Pay attention to signs of easy bruising or skin that tears easily. Growth of facial hair is often noted in women suffering from this condition.
Be alert for signs of unexplained weight gain. Those suffering from Cushing's Syndrome often experience a rapid weight gain, especially in the torso area. Stretch marks may also be noted.
Check for changes in mood, behavior and emotions. Hormones are responsible for the way we react to stress and changes in our daily environment. Because Cushing's Syndrome affects the glands that produce such hormones, these symptoms are often noticed.
Pay attention to changes in blood pressure, strength and endurance. Those suffering from Cushing's Syndrome often suffer from chronic infections, and children may experience slowed growth and complain of fatigue.