How to Use Biodentical Hormones to Treat Menopause
Visit a pharmacist who participates in bioidentical compounding of hormones and submit to a saliva test to determine your individual hormone level. Armed with the results, the pharmacist then manufactures a blend of hormone replacement compounds targeting your body’s hormone need.
Ask for the lowest possible dosage of BHRT in order to reduce the risk of cancer-related side effects. Although some experts claim BHRT is safer than traditional hormone replacement therapy, no studies indicate that any hormone regimen is completely safe. If you experience bleeding, discontinue use and consult your doctor.
Minimize the length of time you take BHRT. Restrict usage to three or four years to relieve the symptoms of menopause without substantially increasing your risk of developing long-term side effects.
Request inclusion of only FDA approved bioidentical hormones in your BHRT mixture. Some bioidentical compounds carry FDA approval however, others, like Estriol, do not. On the other hand, some estradiol hormones, specifically those taken from plant sources, are present in other approved compounds.
Monitor your menopausal symptoms and your reaction to the BHTR treatment. Some women experience ongoing relief while others claim the relief factor decreased over a period of months. In that case, talk to your pharmacist about retesting and adjusting your dosage or make an appointment with your physician to discuss traditional methods of hormone replacement therapy.