What Are the Causes of Coarser Hair Growing In?
Coarse hair growing in unexpectedly can be a sign of a change in hormones. This syndrome is called hirsutism, defined as hair growth in areas where little or no hair typically grows--or male hair growth in women. For example, an increase in testosterone could be the culprit. In the case of hirsutism, women may use regular hair-removal treatments or pursue pharmaceutical treatment such as an oral contraceptive.
Sometimes the hormone changes that cause an increase in hair growth can be natural. Pregnancy is one case. Fortunately, hair levels usually return to normal after pregnancy. However, hair growth on areas such as face and stomach can take a while to return to normal. In this case, it is safe for women to shave, tweeze or even wax.
Medical Conditions
Coarse hair can also be an unexpected symptom caused by a number of medical conditions or syndromes including but not limited to tricho-onychic dysplasia, hypothyroidism, Bjornstad syndrome, trichodysplasia xeroderma, arrhenoblastoma, Whelan syndrome, congenital hypotrichosis milia, polycystic ovarian disease, ectodermal dysplasia, hypohidrotic, autosomal dominant disorders, Conradi-Hunermann syndrome, amaurosis hypertrichosis and Varadi-Papp syndrome. Along with natural medical conditions, side effects of medicine can cause excessive coarse hair growth.
If any of these could be the case, speak to a physician about causes and treatment.