How to Spot an Estrogen Dominance
Both men and women produce estrogen, though they produce it in different levels. However, they are equally sensitive to the effects of estrogen. General symptoms of estrogen dominance in men and women include headaches, mood swings, "hot flashes", insomnia, fatigue and infertility. In women, estrogen dominance results in PMS and irregular menstrual cycles, and has been associated with high rates of both uterine and breast cancer. An over abundance of xenoestrogens has been linked to decreased age at which young women begin puberty.
Estrogen Dominance Due to Onset of Menopause
When women begin to experience the symptoms of menopause, it stems from a disruption of the natural balance of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle. High levels of estrogen produced during the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle go unopposed by the usual increase of progesterone in the final two weeks.
Estrogen Dominance Due to Xenoestrogens
Sources of xenoestrogen include pesticides, growth hormones in animals, soaps, shampoos and even plastics. A naturally occurring source of estrogen used to treat estrogen deficiency is soybeans. To avoid xenoestrogens, read all your labels and choose organic meats and vegetables.