Can you be pregnant if got your period last month but this nipples have been very sore and hurting turning white in the middle?
Getting your period last month does not necessarily mean you cannot be pregnant. It is possible to become pregnant even if you get your period, as sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for up to 5 days.
If you are concerned about whether or not you may be pregnant, the most reliable way to determine pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests can detect the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine or blood. hCG is produced by the placenta and its levels increase as pregnancy progresses. Home pregnancy tests can be purchased over-the-counter and are typically accurate if used correctly. Blood pregnancy tests performed by a healthcare provider can detect hCG earlier than home pregnancy tests.
To confirm the results of a home pregnancy test or to get additional information about your pregnancy, you should consult a healthcare provider.