What is the changes to expect when going through puberty?
- Growth spurt:
- Rapid increase in height and weight.
- Girls typically start their growth spurt between the ages of 10 and 14.
- Boys typically start their growth spurt between the ages of 12 and 16.
- Changes in body shape:
- Girls' hips widen, and their breasts start to develop.
- Boys' shoulders broaden, and their muscles become more defined.
- Pubic hair growth:
- Coarse hair starts growing in the pubic area.
- Growth of facial hair:
- For boys, facial hair starts growing on the upper lip, cheeks, and chin.
- Acne:
- Increased activity of oil glands can lead to acne breakouts on the face, back, and chest.
- Body odor:
- Increased activity of sweat glands can cause body odor.
Sexual Changes:
- Menstruation:
- Girls start having menstrual periods, signaling the ability to get pregnant.
- Sperm production:
- Boys start producing sperm, enabling them to impregnate a female.
Emotional and Psychological Changes:
- Mood swings:
- Fluctuating hormone levels can lead to emotional ups and downs.
- Increased independence:
- Adolescents may seek more independence from parents and other authority figures.
- Self-consciousness:
- Increased awareness of self and appearance, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness.
- Exploration of identity:
- Adolescents begin to explore their gender identity and sexual orientation.
- Increased social awareness:
- Heightened awareness of social norms and expectations, leading to concerns about fitting in.
- Development of abstract thinking:
- Enhanced ability to think critically and consider abstract concepts.
Behavioral Changes:
- Increased risk-taking behavior:
- Adolescents may engage in risky behaviors such as substance abuse, reckless driving, or unsafe sexual practices.
- Increased socialization:
- Adolescents tend to spend more time with friends and less time with family.
- Separation from parents:
- Adolescents may start asserting their independence by challenging or arguing with their parents.
It's important to note that not everyone experiences all these changes at once. The timing and progression of puberty varies from individual to individual.