What are some signs that a girl is hitting puberty besides getting her period?
1. Breast Development: One of the earliest signs of puberty is breast development. The breasts will begin to swell and become more rounded. The areola, the pigmented area around the nipples, may also start to enlarge and darken.
2. Pubic Hair: Pubic hair starts to grow in the area around the genitals. This is a sign that the body is producing more androgens, the hormones responsible for male characteristics.
3. Acne: Increased production of hormones can lead to acne breakouts. This is because the hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands, which produce oil, to become more active.
4. Body Odor: Another consequence of increased hormone production is body odor. This is because the sweat glands start to produce more sweat, which can give off a strong odor.
5. Voice Deepening: The voice of a girl going through puberty may start to deepen and become more husky. This is because the larynx, or voice box, grows larger.
6. Growth Spurt: Girls going through puberty may experience a growth spurt. This is because the growth plates in their bones become more active, leading to rapid bone growth.
7. Emotional and Mood Swings: Puberty can also cause emotional and mood changes in girls. They may become more sensitive, moody, or withdrawn. These changes are often related to the hormonal fluctuations that occur during puberty.
8. Increased Appetite: It is common for girls going through puberty to have increased appetite. This is because the body's energy requirements increase as it undergoes rapid growth and development.
9. New Body Shape: The shape of the body may start to change during puberty. The hips will become wider and the waist may become narrower, giving girls a more womanly figure.
10. First Menstrual Period: The first menstrual period, or menarche, is usually the last and most obvious sign of puberty in girls. Menarche typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 15, but can happen earlier or later.
It is important to note that the timing and sequence of these signs can vary among individuals. Every girl's experience with puberty is unique, and some may not go through all of the above changes.