You are 2 weeks late for your period but you and boyfriend use condoms every time have taken home tests both negative still no any help apreciated many thanks?
1. Implantation bleeding: In some cases, implantation bleeding can occur when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. This can happen around the time when your period is due, and it can be mistaken for a period. Implantation bleeding is usually lighter than a period and doesn't last as long.
2. Stress: Stress can affect your hormones and cause your period to be late. If you've been under a lot of stress lately, this could be the reason for your late period.
3. Illness: Certain illnesses, such as thyroid problems or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can cause irregular periods. If you have any chronic health conditions, it's important to see your doctor to rule out any underlying causes for your late period.
4. Medication: Some medications, such as birth control pills, can cause your period to be late. If you're taking any new medications, be sure to read the side effects to see if they could be affecting your menstrual cycle.
5. Pregnancy: It's possible that you could be pregnant even if you've taken home tests that came back negative. Home pregnancy tests are not always 100% accurate, especially if they're taken too early. If you're still concerned about the possibility of pregnancy, you should see your doctor for a blood test.
If you're still concerned about your late period, it's best to see your doctor. They can perform a physical exam and order tests to rule out any underlying causes.