What Is the Primary Function of Cortisol?
Emotional and physical stress can increase cortisol levels in the blood stream, according to Medline Plus. During a normal stress response, the adrenal gland will increase its cortisol production. During periods of exercise, depression, alcoholic periods and elevated stress levels cortisol levels will increase, according to TestCounty.org.
Cortisol does provide benefits to the body, including regulation of blood pressure, cardiovascular function and how the body uses fats, proteins and carbohydrates, according to Janethull.com. Cortisol also causes the breakdown of muscle proteins that are released as amino acids into the blood stream. These amino acids are used by the liver to synthesize glucose through a process known as gluconeogenesis. This process also raises blood-sugar levels that provide the brain with glucose. The brain cannot use fat as an energy source. It can only use simple sugars like glucose.
Cortisol also causes the body to release fatty acids like Omega-3s into the blood stream. Muscles can then use these fatty acids as an energy source.
Conditions like Cushing's disease and Addison's disease can lead to increased or decreased cortisol levels, according to Medline Plus. High cortisol levels can mean that an individual has an adrenal tumor, Cushing's disease syndrome or ectopic ACTH-producing tumors. Lower levels of cortisol can result in Addison's disease and hypopituitarism.
Cortisol levels usually rise and fall throughout the course of a day, according to Medline Plus. Cortisol levels are highest from 6 to 8 a.m. and lowest around midnight.
If a woman is taking birth control pills or estrogen, she will have higher than normal cortisol levels, according to Medline Plus. High cortisol levels can be lowered by eating a balanced diet, exercising daily, relaxing at least 20 minutes per day, getting enough sleep and taking a multivitamin. Cortisol is essential for the body, but cortisol levels that are too high can be harmful.
Cortisol blood tests are often performed to detect increased or decreased levels of Cortisol production in the blood stream, according to Medline Plus. Cortisol plays a role in bone function, the circulatory system, immune system, metabolism of food, nervous system and stress responses.