How to Prevent Premenstrual Symptoms
Things You'll Need
- Grapeseed extract
- Omega 3 fatty acids
- Calcium with magnesium
- Evening primrose oil
- Flax seed
- Organic dairy
- Nuts and seeds
- 5-HTP
Take 1,000 mg of fish oil or 4 tbsp. fresh ground flaxseed daily to help reduce bloating, cramping and PMS. Consume 1 to 2 tbsp. of nuts and seeds.
Eat organic dairy such as 1 to 2 servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese a week before your period to help with cramping. Even consuming green leafy veggies which has calcium and omega three fatty acids. If you don't like milk, then take a calcium citrate with magnesium citrate 1000mg, but be sure to split up the pills throughout the day. Your body can only absorb 500mg of calcium at a time. Magnesium is very helpful with chocolate cravings.
Take 50 mg of grapeseed extract to prevent and ease bloating during your monthly period. Of course, drink plenty of water to ease bloating as well.
Take some evening primrose oil which has omega 3, 6 and 9 to help with PMS symptoms. The dosage is 500 to 1000mg a day.
Take 5-HTP 50mg mid-afternoon and 50 mg before bedtime, a week before your period to ease irritability and depression that may occur with PMS. This helps raise serotonin levels which may be low at that time.