What Produces Testosterone
Testosterone is important for both men and women. For a man, it creates easy-to-identify male characteristics. The penis and testicles develop because of a hormone flood that takes place in the womb.
Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands are above the kidneys in both men and women. Adrenal glands produce many types of hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. In men, the adrenal glands produce less testosterone than the testes.
Testosterone is not strictly a male hormone. Men and women both need it. Women tend to have less than men. In women, the ovaries produce half of the testosterone in her body, while the adrenal glands produce the other half.
The testes produce 95 percent of a man's testosterone. First, the body releases luteinizing hormone (LH). Next, the leydig cells inside the testicles respond by producing testosterone. Finally, the testosterone is released into the bloodstream and carried through out the body.
In men, too little testosterone can lead to slow onset of puberty, lack of genital growth and delayed maturation in a male. Women with too much testosterone may experience excess facial hair, deepening of the voice and absence of menstruation.