HGH Vs. Testosterone
Artificial HGH is an accepted treatment for growth hormone deficiencies in adults, and is sometimes used as anti-aging product in adults with normal levels of growth hormone.
Artificial testosterone is an accepted treatment for testosterone deficiencies in adults, and is also sometimes used as an anti-aging treatment in adults with normal testosterone levels.
According to the Mayo Clinic, HGH can increase muscle mass in healthy adults, but the benefits are inferior to those gained through strength training. Potential risks of HGH use in healthy individuals include male breast enlargement (gynecomastia), joint and muscle pain and swelling in the legs and arms.
Testosterone Use
Testosterone use in healthy adults is not well-studied, and benefits from this application are not clear. Potential risks of testosterone use include excessive production of red blood cells, increased heart disease risk and sleep apnea.
Artificial HGH is also an accepted treatment for muscle wasting related to AIDS or HIV infection.