Is it Safe to Use Testosterone?
The earliest form of testosterone therapy was a pill. It was soon discovered that oral testosterone was hepatoxic (bad for the liver). Oral testosterone is rarely prescribed due to its hepatoxicity. Other forms of testosterone still must be processed by the liver, but only once, whereas orals are processed twice.
One of the most common misconceptions about testosterone is that it will cause increased aggression. In a study by Dr. Harrison Pope, 50 men were given high doses of testosterone; they were give more than the necessary amounts for hormone therapy. Yet, only two men developed excessive aggression.
It is important to weigh the benefits of medication against any potential risks. Testosterone increases muscle tone, decreases depression and improves libido. These benefits support and overall increase one's quality of life, which is important for maintaining health and happiness.
Liver damage is one of the risks of using testosterone. Doctors will draw blood to test liver panels in patients using testosterone. The test is called a Complete Metabolic Panel. If liver tests come back abnormal, testosterone dosing may be changed.
Testosterone carries a risk of increased blood pressure, prolonged erections and excessive sweating. Alcohol should be avoided when it's taken. It is always important to discuss concerns with your prescribing doctor.