Ways to Decrease Testosterone
Reasons to decrease testosterone
Testosterone exists in both males and females, just in different proportions. The hormones progesterone, estrogen and DHEA all work with testosterone to balance many functions in your body. Most men find a high level of testosterone to be desirable, and would not choose to lower their level. Most women, on the other hand, would not wish to have a hormone imbalance where they have too much testosterone. High testosterone levels can cause acne, hair loss, lowered voice, mood changes and menstrual irregularities including menorrhea (excess bleeding).
How to diagnose excess testosterone
At the onset of menopause, women often begin to experience the growth of darker hair on the chin and irregular or copious periods. This does not always signal a testosterone surge. Many times the level of progesterone has decreased, which leads to estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance can occur in men as well as women. In men the symptoms will look as if testosterone were decreasing: growing prostate, weaker erections, abdominal fat, etc. Women will notice symptoms like weight gain and irritability. Hormones have to perform a delicate balancing act. If you experience any symptoms that make you suspect a hormone imbalance, see your health-care provider for a diagnosis to see if you have excess testosterone or estrogen.
Methods of treatment
If you have been diagnosed as having too much testosterone and you want to rid yourself of the symptoms, the best course of treatment is bio-identical hormone therapy (BHT). Over the past few decades, physicians have prescribed either synthetic hormones or hormones derived from animals. Hormones from both of these sources can have undesirable side effects. Look for a doctor that will prescribe bio-identical hormones. Many of these are from plant sources, and your body can synthesize them to help balance your endocrine system. Eating soy foods can lower your testosterone level as well. This does not mean men should avoid soy foods. Studies show that while phytoestrogens such as soy isoflavones can lower testosterone levels and help with prostate overgrowth, they don't affect testicular function. Another method to try, related to bio-identical hormone therapy, is progesterone cream. You can buy this over the counter at pharmacies and natural foods stores. Be sure to check the label for a level of 20 milligrams per dose of USP progesterone.