HGH Spray Effectiveness
Misleading Products
According to research website The HGH Review, many companies have introduced their own HGH products but have done little or no clinical testing and have no relevant credentials. The website recommends looking into a product to find real studies with positive results before buying. Many of the products do not have the potency to have any positive effect.
One easy way to check the validity of an HGH spray's claims is to look at the amount of HGH you will be getting in a dose. A high-potency HGH product is not available without a prescription, but products often will have such small amounts of the ingredient that it will be useless to take it at all.
The HGH Review says the products offered in spray versions might contain as little at 0.1 percent of the dosage that is needed for therapeutic effects. Many products will list the HGH per dose in nanograms, while the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved doses measuring in international units (IUs). When you see the amounts listed on the package, keep in mind that it takes 300,000 nanograms to equal one IU.
If you are interested in finding out this information, contact the manufacturer and ask whether the product contains a therapeutic dose. Also ask whether any studies are available that show positive results for the manufacturer's product.