What Are the Benefits of Natural Progesterone Cream?
Expert Insight
Dr. Andrew Weil, who isn’t completely convinced of the long-term safety or efficacy of natural progesterone cream, although noting that many physicians are absolutely convinced that it works, explains that natural progesterone reportedly relieves PMS symptoms that can get worse as a woman approaches menopause.
Natural Versus Synthetic
According to Beseen.net, natural progesterone cream is a precursor to other hormones in a woman’s body. It is important that the natural, rather than synthetic version, which can actually lower levels of progesterone, is used.
Restoring Hormonal Balance
Dr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP, notes that when correctly progesterone cream seems to eliminate many of the symptoms that are the result of a hormonal imbalance. Progesterone cream can help a woman maintain a sense of equilibrium.
Dr. Lanphier notes that, over time, progesterone can accumulate and store itself in a woman’s fat tissue. She cites Dr. Joseph Mercola who explains that this accumulation can contribute to disruptions in cortisol, testosterone and DHEA hormone levels.
Progesterone can facilitate the action of the thyroid hormone, increase libido, normalize blood clotting; act as a natural diuretic, protect against the development of breast cysts, utilizes fat for energy and normalizes blood sugar levels as well as zinc and copper levels. In addition, it restores cell oxygen levels, helps to prevents breast and endometrial cancer and promotes bone building, according to Dr. Lanphier.