How to Bring Your Hormone Levels Up
Things You'll Need
- A good diet
- A Testosterone support supplement
- An Estrogen blocker
- A Growth Hormone support supplement
- A Thyroid support supplement
The Proper Diet and Exercise
Eat small meals during the day. To maintain healthy levels of testosterone, along with other hormones, you need a diet of fresh foods. During the day, you should have 2 to 3 servings of fresh fruits or vegetables. You should also have a couple small, high protein meals like yogurt or a protein shake. Try to keep each of these meals under 250 calories, and all should total under 1000 calories for the day.
Eat a good-sized dinner. At night, switch from small meals to one larger meal. Start with a salad, followed with plenty of protein from meats, beans and dairy. At the same time, you can have any cooked vegetables, except potatoes. Finish your meal with starches and sweets, which means that you save your breads, potatoes, pastas and any desserts for the end of the meal. This accomplishes two things: it minimizes their overall consumption, and also minimizes any effect on your blood sugar. Make sure you consume plenty of protein and don't be afraid of fat; a certain amount fat in the diet can be beneficial, especially when trying to increasing testosterone levels. This fat should come from healthy sources including lean meat, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.
This kind of dinner, combined with the small meals during the day, will provide the foundation your body needs to function properly from a nutritional perspective. This diet will enable your body to start correcting the issues that might be keeping your hormone levels low, and thus bring all of them into balance.
Avoid processed foods, carbohydrates and soy. Processed foods, especially those that come in packages can have a very detrimental effect on your body's endocrine system in general. Additionally, excessive carbohydrates and chemicals increase other hormones that have negative effects on testosterone/progesterone, growth hormone, and your thyroid. And soy is especially detrimental to your thyroid.
Exercise regularly. Doing regular exercise helps regulate the body, including hormones. Start by walking three times a week for 15 minutes, and build up to 30 minutes, five times per week. Once you've been walking for a couple weeks, begin performing some resistance training. 30 minutes, three times per week is sufficient for most people, but be sure to keep your rest periods short, and work the whole body. Squats are especially beneficial for testosterone/progesterone, and the short rest periods will help boost growth hormone
Supplements to Help Boost Levels
Take testosterone-boosting supplements. There are two ways to boost testosterone with supplements. The first is directly with herbs like Tribulus. You can also use the vitamin/mineral blend called ZMA. Both, if taken properly, can help stimulate more testosterone production in your body.
The second way to boost testosterone is through the use of estrogen blockers. These are herbs that block the function of an enzyme in the body that turns testosterone into estrogen. Chrysin is the number one ingredient to look for in an estrogen-blocking supplement. These are best taken alongside herbs that stimulate testosterone for maximum increase in testosterone.
Take a growth hormone-support supplement. There are a number of growth hormone-support supplements on the market. Many of them are good, but all should contain a mixture of amino acids including Glutamine and Glycine. A simple way to tell if your supplement is working is that it should make you sleepy. Growth hormone is primarily secreted during sleep, therefore, if you take it, you should become tired. This also means it should be an excellent sleep aid.
Take a thyroid-support supplement. To support your thyroid, the first thing you will need is a sea-based iodine. This means that the source should be something that comes from the sea, like kelp. This is the right form of iodine and is superior to what is typically found in salt. Guggul or Guggulsterones is the herb that you want to find. It acts on thyroid hormone, like Tribulus on testosterone, meaning it causes the body to produce more. The tell tale sign that a thyroid-support supplement is working is that you feel warm. Your thyroid is the thermostat for the body, and having more thyroid hormone means you should feel warmer.