How to Stimulate Adrenal Glands Without Supplementation
Get at least 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. Aerobic exercise such as walking stimulates the adrenal glands and relieves stress.
Avoid stress as much as possible. Prolonged bouts of physical and emotional stress resulting from work, relationships, finances, and illness can strain the adrenal glands. If you find yourself in an overly stressful situation, take action to relieve the issue, or remove yourself from the stressful circumstances.
Avoid all sources of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. These substances have negative toxic effects on your adrenal glands, causing them to work harder. By eliminating these substances, your adrenal glands will be able to function more efficiently.
Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, to provide your adrenal glands the required amount of nutrients they need to function. Green leafy vegetables, rich in beta-carotene, are important when you are trying to stimulate your adrenal glands, as are whole grains.
Eat three meals a week consisting of tuna, salmon, or deep water ocean fish. These nutrient dense protein sources contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate the immune system.
Avoid foods that place unnecessary strain on the adrenal glands such as red meats, highly processed foods, sugars, sodas, white flour, fats, fried foods, ham and pork. By eliminating these things from your diet, your adrenals will be able to function at full capacity.
Maintain a healthy weight for your height. This will help your body tolerate times of distress when they occur, and prevent unnecessary taxing of your adrenal glands due to overweight issues.