Alternative Medicine for Hot Flashes
Using Alternative Treatments for Hot Flashes
If you want to use alternative treatments for hot flashes, consistency is important. According to alternative medicine expert Dr. Andrew Weil, you typically need to give new treatments and dietary strategies at least eight weeks to achieve optimum benefit.
Menopause Treatments and Cancer
Many treatments for menopausal symptoms, both conventional and alternative, act on hormonal processes and mimic estrogen to various degrees. If you have a family history or are at risk for hormone-dependent cancers, it is important to consult with your doctor before using them.
Natural Supplements
The following natural supplements might be useful for hot flashes: black cohosh (the most extensively studied for this purpose), Vitamin E, dong quai, evening primrose oil and black currant oil.
Dietary Suggestions
Certain foods contain phytoestrogens, which act like estrogen in the body but in a much weaker form. They include whole soy foods like tempeh, soy nuts, soy milk and tofu, and flaxseeds. Due to their estrogen content, eating the foods is safer than using soy and flax supplements.
Stress Reduction
Managing stress can go a long way in mitigating symptoms and is a good complement to natural treatments. Experiment with meditation, deep breathing, yoga and anything else that makes you feel better.