Chemical Balance & Weight Loss
Neurotransmitters and Weight Loss
- describes the neurotransmitter serotonin as playing a major role in controlling carbohydrate cravings. When inadequate levels of serotonin are detected by the brain, it begins sending signals to your body, in the form of food cravings, to correct the imbalance and restore homeostasis. Homeostasis is a state of chemical stability necessary to ensure all bodily systems function adequately. Your brain keeps a constant vigil over the regulation of this process.
If losing weight is your goal, maintaining serotonin balance if vital. According to The Franklin Institute's website, serotonin is manufactured from tryptophan, an amino acid derived from the proteins you eat. The best sources of tryptophan are red meat, dairy products, tuna, shellfish, turkey, bananas, nuts and seeds.
According to the Integrated Psychiatry website, low levels of epinephrine, a hormone and neurotransmitter, can contribute to difficulty in losing weight. It also states that low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine can cause you to overeat. Without proper nutrients, especially adequate protein consumption, your brain cannot manufacture a sufficient level of neurotransmitters necessary to regulate appetite control and other bodily functions.
Thyroid Hormone
The Thyroid Foundation of Canada states that when thyroid hormone levels are low, as in cases of hypothyroidism, the body's energy levels decrease. Along with lower energy output from the cells, appetite decreases, but body weight increases. Weight loss is extremely difficult without medication to increase hormone levels and restore cellular energy levels. There is a drawback to taking this medication, however. According to the Thyroid Foundation of Canada, taking too much thyroid hormone can result in weight gain by diminishing the body's ability to burn extra calories. The best way to lose weight is by eating fewer calories and exercising to burn off extra calories.
Insulin is a hormone manufactured in the pancreas. It aids in the metabolism of starches and the removal of excess glucose from the bloodstream. Decreased insulin production increases levels of sugar and lipids (fats) in the bloodstream. Diabetics have difficulty losing weight because of insulin impairment. When blood sugar levels rise with the consumption of cakes, candies, sugary deserts, refined flour products and other simple carbohydrates, the pancreas is stressed by having to produce a continual supply of insulin to move the sugar from your bloodstream into the cells where it is converted into energy to fuel body processes. A diet consisting of low glycemic index fruits and vegetables, and whole grain products helps to control blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates (sugars). Along with low-fat proteins and a regimen of regular exercise, a low glycemic index diet allows you to lose excess weight or aid in weight maintenance.