Hormonal Influence on Sciatic Pain
Relaxin is a hormone released during pregnancy that creates more flexibility in the pelvis. This extra flexibility can make it easier to strain hip flexor muscles, which can lead to sciatic pain.
Antidiuretic Hormone
Sciatica may sometimes be caused by spinal tumors. If antidiuretic hormone levels are higher than normal, it may indicate that sciatic pain is caused by a spinal tumor.
If sciatic pain only occurs in conjunction with menstruation, it may be caused by a rare condition called sciatic endometriosis. Hormonal treatment for endometriosis may reduce sciatic pain and prevent further damage to the nerve.
Thyroid Hormone
According to a 2007 study at the University of Lausanne, injections of thyroid hormone have been shown to regenerate sciatic nerves and provide relief from sciatic pain.
If sciatic pain is influenced by hormonal factors, the original condition may require hormonal treatment, while sciatic pain can be reduced with careful exercise.