What Herb Causes Increased Levels of TSH?
Ashwagandha root
The ashwagandha root is traditionally used in ayurvedic medicine and has been shown to help improve thyroid function by increasing the levels of thyroid hormones T3 and T4.
The seaweed bladderwrack may help with low thyroid support because of the amounts of iodine in it but it should only be taken if the hypothyroidism is caused by iodine deficiency.
Coleus forskohlii
Known as both coleus and forskolin, this ayurvedic herb may have the ability to increase thyroid hormone and stimulate thyroid production.
Green Tea
Green tea can help increase TSH levels because of its antioxidant properties. However, there are also concerns against people with hypothyroidism taking it because its fluoride content.
Guggul is often taken to counteract the high cholesterol that comes with hypothyroidism. Research show that the guggulsterones found in the guggul herb may also have strong thyroid stimulating actions and increase iodine uptake.