How to Stop Hair Growth with Herbs
Things You'll Need
- Turmeric powder
- Plain yogurt
- Gram flour
- Bowl
- Soft washcloth
Make a hair-removal paste. Mix 1/3 cup of yogurt and 2 tsp. of turmeric in the bowl. Add 1 tbsp. gram flour at a time until you have a thin paste. It should be easy to spread, but not too runny. Usually, you will use about 2 tbsp. of gram flour.
Smooth the paste onto the areas where you want to remove the hair. Cover the area completely. Use your fingertips to smooth the paste onto your skin.
Let the paste dry. This may take between 15 and 20 minutes. You will know when it is completely dry because it will be opaque and crackle when you move.
Rub the paste off using the soft washcloth. Do not use any water. Rub in the opposite direction that the hair grows.
Repeat this process twice a week to keep skin free of hair. Over the course of three to six months, the hair will become finer and thinner, and eventually stop growing altogether, thanks to the turmeric herb powder.