What Are the Signs of Hypogonadism?
Signs of Hypogonadism in Women
In young girls, signs of hypogonadism include: lack of menstruation, lack of breast development, short height.
In women, they include loss of menstruation, low libido, hot flashes, loss of body hair, infertility.
Menopause in Women
Menopause is a natural form of hypogonadism in women, brought about by a loss of estrogen. Its signs include those above, plus irritability, vaginal dryness, heart disease, osteoporosis.
Signs of Hypogonadism in Men
In boys, signs of hypogonadism include lack of muscle development, lack of beard development, growth problems.
In men, they include erectile dysfunction, decreased beard and body hair, breast enlargement, muscle loss.
Male Menopause?
In older men, as testosterone levels decline, signs of hypogonadism can include the above, plus weakness, loss of sex drive, impotence, low sperm count or infertility, osteoporosis.
Other Possible Signs and Symptoms of Hypogonadism
In central hypogonadism, a brain tumor will cause signs such as headaches and vision problems.
With prolactinoma, a tumor of the pituitary gland, both genders may experience breast enlargement, and/or a milky discharge from the breasts.
Eating Disorders And Hypogonadism
Central hypogonadism can also be caused by eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or rapid, extreme weight loss after crash dieting or gastric bypass surgery.