How to Lower LH and FSH Levels Naturally
Exercise. Increasing blood flow to the ovaries can decrease the production of both FSH and LH naturally. Exercises that concentrate on the pelvic region, such as yoga and pilates, can increase the flow of blood to the ovaries naturally.
Consider using Chinese herbs to decrease your FSH and LH levels. These treatments are not monitored by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Practitioners of Chinese medicine can create a blend of herbal supplements that may help lower your hormone levels. Since herbal treatments can be potent and are not FDA approved, it is beneficial to consult with a doctor regularly during treatment.
Consult a practitioner of acupuncture. Treatment with acupuncture can also increase the flow of blood to the ovaries, helping to lower levels of LH and FSH. Consulting with a doctor during treatments can help you monitor your progress and can help your practitioner adjust treatments to increase their effectiveness.