How to Know If Your Bioidentical Hormones Are Balanced
Keep track of your symptoms. Use a daily planner with plenty of room under each date to record your symptoms. Tracking symptoms will allow you to see how you're doing overall. Being symptom-free is a good indicator of hormonal balance, but it shouldn't be used alone since not everyone accurately assesses their own symptoms and the placebo effect can make an individual feel her symptoms have lessened when the problem remains.
Visit your doctor for regular checkups. Use your symptom tracking planner to show your doctor the pattern and intensity of your symptoms so he or she can adjust your dose if necessary.
Get your hormone levels tested every six months. Blood and saliva are the two ways to have your hormones tested. Saliva tests tend to be more accurate; however, according to the hormone replacement experts at, "...there seem to be fewer practitioners experienced in interpreting the results of salivary tests." In this case, both forms of testing may be beneficial to get the most accurate results and act as a system of checks and balances.