How to Increase Estrogen Production
Add soy-based foods to your diet. Foods such as tofu, soybeans and soy milk all contain soy isoflavones. Consuming soy as a regular part of your daily diet can raise your estrogen levels. If soy foods are not appealing to you, soy isoflavones are also available as a dietary supplement in most health food stores.
Talk to your doctor about a prescription estrogen supplement, such as Premarin. This is prescribed by doctors for women who are experiencing estrogen deficiencies due to menopause. In many cases, this supplement will also be balanced with a bioidentical progesterone supplement, which will help prevent the symptoms of estrogen dominance, such as hot flashes.
Consider using hormonal birth control. Combination forms of birth control, such as the contraceptive pill, patch, ring and injections, deliver doses of estrogen. As a result, they can help balance your menstrual cycle and bring regular menstrual bleeding. These methods are suitable for women who are not looking to conceive or for women who are entering perimenopause.
Gain weight. Body fat helps produce estrogen. Women who suffer from eating disorders or who have very low amounts of body fat may find that their menstruation ceases due to the lack of hormones produced by body fat.