Progesterone & Weight Loss
Progesterone is one of the hormones that deceases in women around the time of menopause. This decrease is associated with a gain in weight. Water retention is the main culprit. Progesterone has effects on metabolism, insulin levels, thyroid hormone, insomnia, and mood as well. To maintain healthy weight during menopause, it is necessary to deal with these changes.
Birth Control
Some birth control pills contain synthetic progesterone. They have been known to increase weight gain because of increased hunger. One variety of pills that causes such an intense desire for food is the mini-pill. This pill is a progestin-only (synthetic progesterone) contraceptive.
Water Retention
The water retention caused by loss of progesterone during menopause can be addressed in a variety of ways. Use less salt or use salt substitutes and avoid salt altogether. Drink coffee and tea. Eat diuretic foods such as cucumbers and tomatoes.
Weight Loss Methods
When discussing birth control with your doctor, ask whether the pill he is prescribing will give you a greater appetite. If so, make plans to control it. For both menopausal and birth control hormonal imbalances, take action early. Exercise works as an appetite suppressant, so sign up for a gym membership or join an aerobics class. Drink ice water to fill up and contract your stomach. Eat high fiber foods for a feeling of fullness. Find interesting activities to fill up your days and keep your mind and hands busy.
Expert Insight
Consult your doctor if you cannot accomplish weight loss on your own. Menopausal weight gain can be associated with heart disease and other severe conditions. Try weight loss on your own at first, but if the extra pounds will not go away, seek help. Likewise, if you are on birth control pills that are heavy on progesterone, and weight loss becomes necessary, do your best. If you cannot do it on your own, consider consultations with a dietitian as well as your doctor.