How to Decrease Estrogen
Decreasing estrogen
Reduce how many calories you consume. If you eat fewer calories, your estrogen level decreases. If you eat more calories without proper expenditure, your estrogen level elevates.
Eat more fiber. Fiber accelerates the rate at which you expel estrogen from your body. Eat no less than 20 grams of fiber every day. Note that you may have to consume cereals with high levels of fiber to arrive at 20 grams daily. If the high-fiber cereal is unpleasant tasting, mix it with regular cereal. Use skim milk instead of whole milk in your cereal to lower your fat consumption. Examples of high-fiber foods include legumes, berries and whole grains.
Lower your fat consumption, but still maintain healthy fats in your diet. According to MoonDragon Birthing Services, low-fat diets do not lower your body's estrogen production; however, they increase the amount of estrogen you expel through your urine. Ensure your low-fat diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, which contain nutrients that guard against cancer. Include no more than two grams of fat per 100 calories in your low-fat diet; stay away from saturated fat.
Your body cannot make Omega-3 fatty acids, but they are vital to your health. Therefore, one has to obtain Omega-3 fatty acids from foods such as oily fish. Consume two or three servings per week of mackerel, tuna, salmon or sardines, which have Omega-3 fatty acids.
Eat a variety of foods that contain a surplus of antioxidants. Foods that are rich in antioxidants have vitamins and minerals that guard the cells from damage. Further, they increase your fiber intake, which decreases estrogen. You will need to eat more complex carbohydrates (starches), which include a combination of foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains. You can gain antioxidant vitamins from the following foods: vitamin A and beta carotene--carrots, oranges, and green and yellow vegetables; vitamin E--oils, eggs and nuts; calcium--milk products and leafy green vegetables; and lycopene--watermelon and pink grapefruit.
Develop a healthy diet and an exercise routine if you are overweight. Losing weight eventually after menopause reduces the effects of estrogen overexposure. Eat a vegetarian diet that contains mostly plant products; it is low-fat and supplies you with a leaner body. Engage in exercise to stay physically active. Begin with 15 minutes every day; gradually increase it to an hour as your body adapts. Participate in brisk walking or jog around your neighborhood. Exercise helps your muscles, breathing and heart to function properly.