How to Balance Estrogen
Things You'll Need
- Soy isoflavones, supplements or soy rich food
- Bioidentical progesterone cream, pill or suppository
Determine whether your estrogen levels are low or high. This can be done by your doctor, who will perform blood work during a specific point of your menstrual cycle to get a snapshot of your overall condition. Low estrogen can be corrected with supplements while high estrogen, also called estrogen dominance, can be balanced with progesterone.
Ask your doctor about birth control pills to balance your hormones. If you are not trying to conceive and not going through menopause, this option may be available to you. Birth control pill can contain estrogen and progestins, or simply progestins. They are able to balance estrogen issues and can create a steady, regular menstrual cycle.
Raise your estrogen by taking an estrogen supplement, such as Premarin. If you are looking to supplement your estrogen naturally, you may take a soy isoflavone supplement or increase your intake of soy based food, such as tofu. When supplementing your estrogen naturally it is important to continue to work with a doctor--a high increase in estrogen can delay ovulation and menstruation.
Balance high estrogen by taking a progesterone supplement. Bioidentical progesterone is synthesized from wild yams or soybeans and is available by prescription or in over the counter creams and pills. Women who are trying to conceive may take a progesterone supplement from the day after ovulation until the day before their expected menstrual period; women who are using progesterone during menopause may use the supplement continuously.
Exercise. Maintaining a healthy weight is key to balancing estrogen production. Fat tissue produces excess estrogen; reducing excess fat will also regulate estrogen production.