How to Lower Estrogen Dominance
Avoid foods that contain soy. Soy isoflavones, which are contained in soy, stimulate estrogen production. A diet rich in soy products can increase your estrogen levels and aggravate the symptoms of your estrogen dominance.
Supplement your progesterone. Balancing levels of progesterone and estrogen in your body can help to decrease the effects of estrogen dominance. Progesterone supplements come in pill, cream and suppository form. Prescription supplements such as Provera and Prometrium can be prescribed by a doctor; over-the-counter bioidentical progesterone creams are also available.
Lose weight. According to Dr. Christiane Northrup, body fat in excess of about 28 percent can increase the symptoms of estrogen dominance. Fat tissue produces estrogen in both men and women; losing weight can also help you lower your estrogen levels.
Increase your fiber intake. Increasing the function of your gut and bowels ensures that estrogen is metabolized quickly and efficiently.