How to Lower Testosterone & Raise Estrogen Levels
Estrogen increases metabolism, promotes uterine growth and protects the heart. When estrogen is low, a woman might experience fatigue, night sweats and joint pain. The hormone testosterone has domain over a woman's sex drive and mental sharpness. Too much testosterone in a woman's system can mean acne, excess hair and infertility.
Balanced hormones are critical to a woman's health and there are ways to bring each of these vital hormones back to normal.
Things You'll Need
- A physician
Test your hormones. Either schedule a blood test with your doctor or purchase a home hormone testing kit (either a saliva or urine test). In order to determine the best course of action, you must first get an accurate assessment of your hormones.
Change your lifestyle. Reduce your stress level by practicing yoga and meditation. Improve your diet by eating foods rich in omega-3 such as salmon and eliminating alcohol.
Consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT). When women begin to lose hormones, HRT can build those hormones back up to normal levels. Hormones can be a pill, patch or cream. Work with your doctor to determine what method is best for you.