Testosterone Therapy for ED
The Facts
Testosterone deficiency or andropause is also referred to as "male menopause." Testosterone deficiency in aging men is like estrogen deficiency in women. The normal range of testosterone level is between 300mg/dL to 1000mg/dL. After the age of 30, a man may lose up to 2 percent of his testosterone production every year. Approximately 20 percent to 50 percent of healthy men between 40 and 60 suffer a decline in testosterone levels.
Your testosterone levels will begin to decline about age 30 and beyond. Other factors that can reduce your testosterone are infection, kidney failure, genetic abnormalities, chronic illness and chemotherapy. Stress, alcoholism, poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise are the other possible causes.
Depression, loss of sexual urges, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty to concentrate are the common symptoms of decreased testosterone. Other physiologic reactions you may experience are loss of body hair, fragile bones, low cholesterol level, reduction in muscle mass, and increase in body fat, anemia and low hemoglobin levels.
Testosterone replacement therapy will correct your low libido and erectile dysfunction. You have several application choices for this therapy: intramuscular injections, testosterone patch, gel and oral tablets. Consult your doctor before choosing, for they all have advantages and disadvantages.
Side Effects
Be aware of the following side effects: acne, breast enlargement, decrease in testicle size and reduced urination. Consult your doctor to ascertain frequency and severity of these and symptom for your particular case.
The particular methods of administering the hormones may also have side effects. The patches, for instance, may cause irritation to the skin. Don't use this therapy if you suffer from prostate cancer since it may cause faster growth of your cancer.