When Should You Supplement With Bioidentical Hormones?
Symptoms to Look For
The onset of menopause is different for each woman. Some women can begin having symptoms as early as in their mid-30s, and some don't have noticeable signs until their late 40s. Not everyone experiences every symptom, and the severity can vary widely as well. Typically you can expect changes in mood such as irritability, anxiety or depression that can't be explained by any other cause. You may begin to have difficulty making decisions, or your thinking may be described as "fuzzy" sometimes. Some women see disruptions in their normal sleep patterns. They may have a difficult time waking up, or conversely be plagued with insomnia. Not every woman will experience hot flashes or night sweats enough to notice, but some may find these problems quite annoying. Irregular or heavier periods may be your first clue that your hormonal shift is beginning. If you find yourself having any of these menopausal signs, it's time to begin supplementing with bioidentical hormones.
Supplements to Try
Bioidentical does not mean that the hormone supplement will be compounded to fit each individual. This is a term used to describe a set of plant-derived ingredients that metabolize in your body just the way your own hormones would. Neither synthetic nor animal-derived hormones can do this as well. Most bioidentical supplements are extracted from soybeans and metabolize to behave like progesterone in the human body. Many of the symptoms of menopause, as well as many symptoms men experience as they age, are due to estrogen dominance. Weight gain, thinning hair, irritability, facial hair in women and enlarged prostate in men are all indicators of estrogen dominance. Over-the-counter progesterone cream (at least 20 mg USP per dose) can bring this balance back to give you relief.
Another supplement that helps relieve menopause symptoms, especially if used in conjunction with bioidentical hormone therapy, is black cohosh. This has been used for centuries as a remedy for hot flashes, mood swings and irregular periods.
Both of these supplements are available over the counter, without a prescription, at any health food store or pharmacy. You can also find them online.