How to Reduce Estrogen in Males
Consult with your physician if you are experiencing some of the symptoms listed above and get tested to determine if you have high estrogen levels. If your levels are high, lifestyle and diet changes can help you lower estrogen amounts in the body.
Maintain a healthy body weight by practicing a well-balanced diet low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables. Along with a healthy diet, exercise regularly--at least 30 minutes a day of moderate- to high-intensity workouts such as bicycling, running or weight training.
Limit the amount of alcoholic beverages you drink to not more than one drink per day. Since estrogen is processed through the liver, alcohol can reduce the liver's capability to break down estrogen and can increase levels as a result.
Consume more fiber in your diet. Estrogen attaches to bile acids produced by the liver and fiber sticks to the acids. The fiber helps remove the estrogen from the body.
Decrease or eliminate consumption of soy protein, which is close to the chemical makeup of estrogen.
Consider taking prescription medications such as human chorionic gonadotropin if a diet and lifestyle change does not lower estrogen levels. HCG helps increase testosterone levels in the body. Your physician can help you decide which medication is right for you.