Injectable Human Growth Hormone Therapy
For Children
Synthetic HGH injections are used to treat children with stunted growth when they are tested to be deficient in HGH. According to, most children will reach their original potential height by adulthood when taking HGH injections. These injections are given daily. For optimum results, the earlier the diagnosis the more successful the injections will be.
For Adults
Many older adults are seeking out doctors who specialize in anti-aging solutions, searching for ways to look and feel young. There are some noted benefits of taking HGH shots. You could increase bone density, regain muscle mass, decrease body fat and increase your ability to exercise for longer periods of time. HGH also is approved for AIDS-HIV related muscle wasting, according to Mayo Clinic.
Side Effects
According to Mayo Clinic, some adverse side effects accompany HGH shots. Swelling of the arms and legs, joint pain and muscle pain are some possible side effects. Men have the danger of enlarged breasts from taking the shots. There also could be some connection with HGH shots and risks of getting diabetes and heart disease. There is no proof that taking HGH shots will reverse the aging process.
HGH is available in non-prescription pills, and many companies producing these pills promise great results. To date, there is no proof that these supplements will make you feel and look younger. Eating a healthy diet full of whole foods, exercising reguarly, taking care of your skin and enjoying life will be helpful in aging gracefully.