Safest Way to Balance Hormones
Diet can play a big part in the body not working properly and throwing off hormone balances. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, one can help the body get back to a more balanced state from the inside out. Take a look at your diet and make sure that you are incorporating leafy green vegetables, plenty of soy, flaxseed, wheat, rye, grapes, citrus fruits, seaweed, good fats and turmeric. Avoid highly processed foods, saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, and limit sugar intake.
Often, people find it hard to find all of the required vitamins that their body needs through just foods alone. Supplements are a great addition to maintenance of the body, helping it to receive the nutrients it needs to function at a proper level. Incorporate a regular multivitamin supplement, an omega-3 fatty acid supplement and a B-complex supplement. Adequate vitamin consumption through foods and supplements can help regulate many irregularities, including leveling out moods and hormones.
Other Factors
Many other factors contribute to hormone irregularities. Make sure to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep takes a toll on the body and its internal workings. Incorporate an exercise regimen if you aren't currently physically active--it will help release hormones that will help you feel rejuvenated. Try to avoid external stressors if possible. Adopting a relaxation and meditation regimen will help to lower stress, aid sleep and bring hormone levels back into balance internally. Limit your intake of foods that may contain growth hormones, which can also throw off your hormone balance.