Holistic Medicine for Menopause
The Holistic Approach
Most medical conditions such as ailments and diseases are treated with pharmaceutical drugs that deal directly with a medical condition; aspirin for headaches takes the pain away, or brings a high temperature down to normal. But, taking the holistic approach not only deals with the immediate medical situation, it also deals with the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of a woman's health and well being. For menopause, the holistic approach will not just tackle the symptoms; it will focus also on bringing the balance back into a woman's life as she copes with the change of life.
Taming the Anxiety
There are many symptoms that accompany the condition of menopause, like that of anxiety. The holistic approach to coping with this symptom involves adding a little skullcap to a cup of tea, or trying a little Chasteberry or Passion Flower beverage. Other ingredients used to fight anxiety are cat nip and peppermint tea. All of these items will give a calming effect to the body, mind and the spirit; and that is what holistic is all about. Of all the alternative methods available today, the holistic medicines are more recognized and accepted by physicians.
Remedies for Hot Flashes
Holistic medications or herbal solutions to treat the menopausal symptom of hot flashes are such things as Gingseng, Black Cohash, Chickweed, Hawthorn Berries, Dandelion, Dong Quai and Licorice Root. These holistic and herbal approaches are meant to treat the condition as well as treat the mental and emotional side of the patient who is suffering from hot flashes due to menopause, because this change of life affects all aspects of a woman's mental and emotional stability.
Treating Insomnia
Another common symptom of menopause is that of insomnia. The holistic approach to this requires the use of medications that will help you relax, unwind and sleep with calming medications such as Dong Quai, Hops, St. John's Warts, Passion Flower and Lavender. A woman going through menopause should stay away from foods and medications that have caffeine in it as well as items with steroids. The holistic approach will not have any of these negative ingredients in them when it comes to coping with menopausal symptoms.
A Holistic Fix for Depression
When a woman goes through menopause, it causes her hormones to change, which could trigger a bout of depression. But, the holistic approach to this symptom that affects the mind, body and spirit is that of many solutions. A woman can try acupuncture, Yoga, Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Gung. Dancing is another holistic approach to dealing with depression. All of these techniques or methods are meant to stimulate a person's mind, body and spirit; chasing the blues away, putting yourself in a better frame of mind.