Natural Male Testosterone Therapy
Increasing Muscle
Weight training is a natural way to produce more testosterone in your body. Compound exercises are those that involve using more than one muscle group in a single exercise. These exercises put the body under stress and help increase male hormone levels. Heavier weights with fewer repetitions are the type of muscle building exercises that you should concentrate on in your workout.
The intensity of your workout must increase if you are going to raise the production of testosterone in your body naturally. Three sets of repetitions are preferred over one or two sets. This harder workout will increase the size of your muscles.
Make sure that you are getting adequate rest in between workouts. Weightlifting the same muscle groups every day will not increase muscles. The workout tears the muscle and a full day of rest is needed to repair and increase size. Not giving your body an adequate amount of rest between workouts will actually decrease muscle size and testosterone levels.
Herbal Treatments
Some herbal supplements may help your body produce more testosterone naturally. Gingko biloba improves blood circulation, which may help with the transport of testosterone. Saw palmetto is another herb that is used to improve the health of the prostate gland. This herbal treatment blocks the body from changing testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. This helps to keep more naturally produced testosterone in your bloodstream.
Diet is the best way to support the body in natural testosterone production. The foods that you eat every day contribute to the function of your body and the hormones that it produces. High protein diets that many bodybuilders and weightlifters use may actually decrease testosterone production. These fad diets decrease carbohydrate intake and replace it with protein. Protein is needed to build muscle by the body, but exceeding the daily requirement of protein can have the opposite effect over time.
Increase your consumption of essential fatty acids to boost your testosterone levels naturally. The best sources for this healthy fat are in fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Flaxseed and nuts are other sources for fatty acids to include in your diet.
Cut down on soy products, which may increase your estrogen level. Increased levels of estrogen may cause an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen resulting in lower levels of the male hormone.