Why Does Cypionate Turn Cloudy?
Pure Form
Testosterone cypionate, in its pure form, is a creamy white powder. It is mostly odorless. Cypionate is injected; however, it has to be dissolved in a liquid. It is insoluble in water, so vegetable oil is the most commonly used solvent and material for injection.
Sometimes, testosterone cypionate can appear to be cloudy when dissolved. If a needle is wet or has previously been used, the cypionate in the dissolved solution can turn cloudy. The cloudiness itself is no cause for alarm, as the drug is not altered in anyway. However, do not inject, due to the risk of using a non-sterile needle or the risk of injecting residue moisture, possibly causing an air bubble in the vein or bloodstream.
Temperature Change/Expiration
When vegetable oil-dissolved cypionate has become cloudy prior to injection, it could mean a couple things. Either drastic temperature changes occurred, causing a difference in consistency in the oil, or the oil is old and turning rancid. In either case, do not use that dosage.
According to Drugs.com, do not under any circumstance use cypionate if it is cloudy in appearance, contains particles, or if the vial is cracked or damaged. Only administer this drug with a doctor's guidance. Cypionate is also used illegally as a performance-enhancing drug. However, there is no scientific research indicating that it is safe for that purpose.