Reasons for a Buffalo Hump
Cushing's Syndrome
Cushing's syndrome, a syndrome that affects the body's hormonal balance, is caused by increased levels of cortisol within the bloodstream. The hormone cortisol is produced within the adrenal cortex of the medulla. The body releases cortisol during high levels of stress. Chronic stress will maintain the high levels of cortisol in the body. This increased amount will lead to weight gain, fatigue and sleeplessness. In rare cases, it can result in Cushing's syndrome. People with diabetes, high blood pressure or blood sugar levels are at a greater risk. A symptom of Cushing's syndrome is a fatty deposit between the shoulders resulting in a buffalo hump.
Pituitary Gland
The pituitary gland is often called the master gland of the body and is located below the hypothalamus. The pituitary controls the release of the endocrine hormones, hormones that control the blood sugar level and human growth and development. A buffalo's hump at the middle of the back can result when there is an imbalance of hormone release and production. A tumor within the pituitary or pituitary dysfunction can be the main cause of the hump, if other illnesses have been ruled out.
AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is the final and fatal state of the HIV virus. The disease results when the invading virus attacks the immune system and T-cells of the body. By attacking the main defense mechanisms of the body, the virus is able to spread quickly and easily and take over the host body. AIDS does not directly cause a buffalo hump. The medications prescribed for AIDS patients trigger an increase in steroid hormone production and inhibit the breakdown of carbohydrates, which in turn increases fat deposits. The buffalo hump is a side effect of the medication.
Adrenal Hyperplasia
Adrenal hyperplasia results in the lack of production of specific steroid hormones. The body produces many steroid hormones including cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, androgen, aldosterone and testosterone. Adrenal hyperplasia affects the production of cortisol and aldosterone. To make up for the loss, the body will overproduce the male hormone androgen. This overproduction leads to many physical abnormalities in males and females, one being a buffalo hump.