What Fruit Juices Help With Hot Flashes?
Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice contains antioxidants called flavonoids as well as vitamins A, C and E. A natural form of estrogen, called estrone, is in pomegranate juice and may help replace some of the lost estrogen that causes hot flashes. A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and bioflavonoids has been shown to reduce symptoms. It can also help with fatigue and depression associated with hot flashes.
Beet Juice
Beet juice is a very powerful vegetable containing vitamins A, B, C, niacin, folic acid and beta carotene which can reduce symptoms. Mixing beet juice with other juices like apple, carrot, tomato, cucumber and celery can make for a drink rich in nutrients and alleviating properties. Most of these other juices also contain vitamins A, B and C. Cucumber juice is low in cholesterol and sodium, apple juice is an excellent source of fiber and carrot juice can aid digestion. This combination vegetable juice can help cleanse and detoxify the body, helping to keep you healthy when you suffer from hot flashes as it is important to keep your strength up. Drink the juice three times a day.
Rhubarb Juice
Rhubarb juice has been shown to reduce the occurrence of hot flashes so this is a great ingredient to use in juices. Rhubarb also contains vitamins A, C, K and B folate, is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. For a change, add in some strawberries and sweeten with honey.
Juice Additives
Rejuv consists of herbs and botanicals that are blended with fruit juices for better absorption to help reduce symtoms. Red clover, which contains genistein and daidzen, is good for reducing the severity and frequency of hot flashes. Sage is traditionally used to help hot flashes. Raspberry leaves help alleviate cramping of the uterus. Pau D'Arco keeps up the immune system. Blue cohosh regulates the menstrual cycle and eases cramps. Tayuya relieves fatigue and depression. Take a drop in the morning for one to two months.