How to Find a Bioidentical Doctor
Check with the pharmacist at any pharmacy that offers compounded pharmaceuticals. Some bioidenticals are compounded to match saliva samples of the patient, and the pharmacist will know who has been sending in patients with compound prescriptions for bioidenticals.
Ask area health and wellness fair coordinators or check their advertisements and list of presenters if your area has health and wellness fairs. Some wellness fairs include both medical and alternative health care professionals. Doctors who use bioidenticals may present information seminars to attract new patients and inform consumers about the options in hormone therapy.
Scan the bulletin board and presenter list at your local health food stores and other businesses that provide natural remedies. These businesses may be able to provide names of doctors in your area who offer bioidentical options. They may also be able to let you know about seminars or fairs in the area that can help you make a connection with a bioidentical doctor.
Check your phone directory for health care providers. Specifically look for endocrinologists, obstetricians and gynecologists. Larger advertisements may list bioidenticals as a specialty.
Use doctor locator services that provide information on bioidentical therapies. and are two such services. An Internet search may provide you with other physicians in your area.