The Effects of Happiness on Hormone Levels
Healthier Cortisol Levels
Cortisol, also referred to as the stress hormone, is a steroid hormone that assists in a wide variety of bodily functions. Among other things, cortisol helps regulate blood pressure, glucose metabolism, cardiovascular functions, and how your body uses fats, proteins and carbohydrates, according to the Cortisol Connection website. One important role of cortisol is responding to, and dealing with, stress. But chronic stress can lead to excessive cortisol levels, which, long-term can lead to memory loss; a lifetime of chronic cortisol levels may contribute to Alzheimer's disease, the Cortisol Connection website says. Everyday happiness has been shown to produce healthy cortisol levels, which has tremendous impact on bodily health -- increased energy and metabolism, regulated blood pressure. These good cortisol levels also enhance blood vessel integrity and reduce allergic responses, according to the Cortisol Connection website.
Higher Pregnenolone Levels
Pregnenolone, also called the happiness hormone, reduces and balances cortisol levels. Doctors who have conducted studies on pregnenolone say there is a definite correlation between healthy pregnenolone levels and happiness, according to the Healthier Talk, a website where doctors and health journalists write about health issues. High pregnenolone levels contribute to increased memory function, as well as greater focus and concentration. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences calls pregnenolone, "the most potent memory enhancer yet found."
Higher Oxytocin Production
Oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone, is not exactly a love potion, but it isn't far off. According to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, oxytocin "may influence our ability to bond with others." Oxytocin is made in the hypothalamus, and is stored and released by the brain's pituitary gland. It is released through various forms of physical intimacy, and has a close relationship to happiness levels, as well as serving to increase trust, empathy and generosity, while decreasing fear and anxiety, according to an article with the authors of the study on the Oxytocin website.
Releases Endorphins and Other Bodily Chemicals
When you are happy, your body lets loose high levels of endorphins in your body, not to mention dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and certain pheromones, all of which stimulate the brain's pleasure-centers, according to the Medicine Net website. Endorphins alone act to counterattack stress and pain, while boosting a "high" feeling of emotional well-being, the Medicine Net website says.