How to Increase Basal Body Temperature in the Luteal Phase

The luteal phase is the period of time during a woman's menstrual cycle after ovulation, but before menstruation begins. The hormone progesterone is released by the corpus luteum and causes your basal body temperature to rise after ovulation. A short or abnormal luteal phase means that this phase takes less than 10 days and can lead to early miscarriage. Increasing your basal body temperature to extend your luteal phase can help increase your chances of getting pregnant and reduce the risk of pregnancy loss.

Things You'll Need

  • Vitamin B6
  • Progesterone cream
  • Prescription for progesterone supplements
  • Prescription for Clomid
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      Discuss your concerns about your luteal phase with your doctor.

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      Take a 200 mg vitamin B6 supplement every day. This can help increase the number of days you have high basal body temperatures, lessen PMS symptoms and decrease morning sickness.

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      Use a natural progesterone cream each cycle from ovulation until menstruation. Follow the directions for use on the cream's package.

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      If the progesterone cream is ineffective, your doctor may prescribe natural progesterone in a pill, suppository, gel or injectable form.

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      Take a prescribed dose of Clomid during the first part of your cycle to promote a healthy ovulation and a healthy level of progesterone during the luteal phase.

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