How to Raise Estrogen Levels in Men

Most people associate the hormone testosterone with men and estrogen with women, yet men possess both these hormones. A study published in The American Journal of Medicine and conducted by a team of researchers led by Mayo Clinic rheumatologist Shreyasee Amin discovered that low estrogen levels in aging men can cause a loss of bone mass. Men whose total estradiol levels are lower than 18 picograms per milliliter are at an increased risk of developing hip fractures. Normal estrogen levels are important to maintaining bone health in men. A variety of supplementary methods can be used to raise estrogen levels in men. (See References 1, 2, 3 and Resources 1)

Things You'll Need

  • Boron supplement
  • Boron-enriched herbs and vegetables
  • DHEA supplements
  • Estrogen patch or pill
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    • 1

      Consume 20 milligrams of a boron supplement daily. The MedlinePlus website states that boron increases estrogen production in men and also helps to maintain healthy bones and decrease osteoarthritis symptoms. (See References 3 and 4)

    • 2

      Include vegetables and herbs such as cabbage, parsley and dandelion as part of your regular diet to increase your estrogen levels. These foods are natural, plant-based sources of boron. (See References 5 and 3)

    • 3

      Consult your doctor about prescribing DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) supplements. DHEA enables the production of estrogen in the body. According to the Mayo Clinic website, it can also improve the mineral density of your hipbone. (See References 2)

    • 4

      Discuss the possibility of using an estrogen patch or pill with your doctor. (See Resources 2)

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