How to Use a COVID-19 Rapid Test at Home

## How to Use a COVID-19 Rapid Test at Home


Rapid COVID-19 tests are a convenient way to test for an active COVID-19 infection. They are available over-the-counter at most pharmacies and online retailers. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use a rapid COVID-19 test at home:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

- A rapid COVID-19 test kit, which includes:

- A test device

- A sterile nasal swab

- A reagent vial

- An extraction tube

- A timer

- A clean surface

Step 2: Prepare the Test

- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the test components.

- Open the test kit and place the test device on a flat surface.

- Open the reagent vial and add the entire contents to the extraction tube.

- Swirl the extraction tube gently to mix the reagent.

Step 3: Collect Your Sample

- Gently blow your nose to clear any mucus.

- Insert the sterile nasal swab into one of your nostrils about 2.5 cm (1 inch) deep. Rotate the swab five times against the inside of your nostril.

- Repeat the swabbing process in your other nostril.

- Place the swab into the extraction tube containing the reagent. Swirl the swab in the liquid at least 10 times to release the virus particles from the swab.

- Squeeze the extraction tube to release the liquid onto the test device.

Step 4: Wait for the Results

- Start the timer according to the instructions provided with your test kit.

- Wait for the colored line(s) to appear in the test window.

- The test result will be displayed within 15-30 minutes.

Step 5: Interpret the Results

Compare the colored line(s) to the interpretation guide provided with your test kit.

Two lines- One next to "C" (Control) and one next to "T" (Test)

- Positive Result: You have an active COVID-19 infection. Follow the recommended isolation guidelines and inform your healthcare provider.

One line next to "C" (Control) and none next to "T" (Test)

- Negative Result: You do not have an active COVID-19 infection. However, if you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should get a PCR test to confirm the negative result.

No lines or only a line next to "T" (Test)

- Invalid Result: The test is invalid and should be repeated.

Step 6: Dispose of the Test Materials

- Dispose of the used test materials in a sealed plastic bag.

- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Important Notes

- Follow the instructions provided with your specific test kit carefully.

- Rapid tests are not as sensitive as PCR tests, and there may be false negative or false positive results. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and your rapid test result is negative, you should still get a PCR test to confirm the result.

-If your rapid test result is positive, you should isolate yourself and contact your healthcare provider for guidance.

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