Can hpv in men go away for good?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common viral infection that affects both men and women. In most cases, HPV goes away on its own within a few months or years. However, in some cases, HPV can persist and lead to health problems, such as genital warts or cancer.

While there is no cure for HPV, there are treatments that can help to manage the symptoms and prevent complications. For example, there are vaccines that can help to prevent HPV infection, and there are treatments that can help to remove genital warts.

In men, HPV can cause genital warts, anal warts, and penile cancer. However, it is important to note that most men who have HPV do not develop any symptoms or health problems.

If you are concerned about HPV, talk to your doctor. They can help you to determine if you have HPV, and they can recommend the best course of treatment for you.

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