Natural Cures for Flat Warts
Essential Oils
Holistic practitioners suggest tea tree oil, basil oil or dandelion oil to help cure warts. The citric acid in lemon balm oil can also help, as can the betulinic acid in birch oil. Whichever oil you choose, apply a drop to the wart. These oils are strong, so one application per day is adequate. After a few weeks you should see noticeable improvement.
Citric Acid
Many folk remedies for warts involve citric acid, which is found in many fruits, including lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits. The acid exfoliates the top layer of the wart. With repeated applications, the various layers of the wart are eventually removed. Lemon or lime juice are the best options; you can squeeze the juice from fresh fruit or buy a bottle of the juice at the supermarket. Apply the juice to the wart with a cotton ball a few times each day.
Vinegars contain acetic acid, which has also proved useful in treating flat warts. Apple cider vinegar and white vinegar are equally effective. Treat the wart in the same way as you would with lemon or lime juice, dabbing the area with a soaked cotton ball several times a day.
The main ingredient of aspirin is salicylic acid, and some over-the-counter wart removers contain salicylic acid. Place several aspirin in a bowl and add a little warm water to dissolve them. When the aspirins have dissolved, apply the mixture with a cotton ball to the wart, and repeat a few times each day.