What Is the Dormant Time for HPV?
Dormant Period
An HPV infection begins when the virus invades a cell and part of the cell's genetic material gets incorporated with the viral genome. The cell copies 10 to 200 times and then those copy cells do the same. The virus remains in an incubation period from three to 24 months, during which time there are no visible signs of disease.
Post-dormant Period
After the dormant period, the virus enters a lytic phase when infection virions are released and symptoms of the virus are visible.
HPV can cause a variety of diseases. It causes warts of the arms, face and/or genitals as well as respiratory papillomatosis. It can also cause several different types of cancers including cervical, penile, anal and vulvar.
HPV is most often though of as a sexually transmitted disease. While it is transmitted sexually, and sexual transmission can be the most dangerous way to catch the virus, it can also be transmitted through just general touching. It is not known if the virus is transmitted during its dormant phase.
There is no cure for HPV, so the way the virus is dealt with depends heavily on the body's immune system. Also, because there are different kinds of HPV and different kinds of complications, treatment options will vary greatly. There is a vaccine currently available that greatly decreases the likelihood of contracting the virus.